We are a small-scale operation located in Mount Vernon, roughly the center of Maine.
The family has been making maple syrup for nearly two decades, and adding novel infusions for about five. We enjoy the work and relish the look on each new customer's face when they taste our cool blends.
We sell most of our syrup at markets and fairs, but we also ship and are getting into a select number of retail stores.
We aim to tap the strongest, best-looking sugar maples with traditional spiles and buckets. Our beautiful trees are scattered within a few miles of the sugarhouse. Some are located on our property, but many of the larger landowners in the area allow us to tap their trees -- in exchange for our syrup.
Why use buckets? Two reasons. First, we're attracted to the heritage and aesthetic of the traditional sap collection in central Maine. It's hard work, but we enjoy the process. And who doesn't like seeing buckets hanging from trees in spring?
Second, buckets have higher quality control. Each time we gather, we inspect the sap for clarity and freshness. If it's not right, we don't use it. That level of care and cautiousness can't happen with miles of plastic tubes. High-quality syrup demands steadfast quality control.
At Cobbs Hill Sugarhouse, we boil small batches of fresh sap on a wood-fired evaporator. Many believe that the longer sap simmers, the more flavorful the syrup. We agree.
And we use a wood-fired evaporator because maple syrup is a magnet for aroma. So our syrup has a hint of wood smoke...not fuel oil.
Maple syrup is a true gift from nature -- and we take our job seriously. Large-scale operations pull sap using gas-powered pumps and long lines of plastic tubes. Then, they send it through reverse osmosis machines multiple times and boil huge batches over oil-fired evaporators.
We don't and never will.